Covid 19’s silver lining!

Covid 19’s silver lining!

Photo by Fatema Alaie

I am a firm believer that there is always an opportunity being presented in every crisis or challenge that we face. It is the nature of how the universe works. If we can perceive the learning opportunity in any situation, our growth as a spirit having a human experience is exponentially possible. I know that not everyone will agree with my perspective of the current pandemic, but there are truly some valuable lessons being learned by many the world over.

Some examples include the following:

1. We are all in this together! The corona virus has significantly highlighted to the whole world that we are all affected and need to be actively pursuing safeguards to prevent its spread. This is being accomplished with varying degrees of success, but no country is immune.

2. It is possible to work from home and be more productive than going to the office. The Wall Street Journal has documented numerous studies that are proving this to be so. Time, normally spent commuting, is being turned into additional work hours. For some this is as much as 1-2 hours a day. In addition, workers are enjoying the flexibility of scheduling their own hours and choosing to work all hours of the day.

3. True friends are those who give you love without expectations and make connecting with you a priority. Your friendship is not just an option.

4. Some governments are more attentive to the needs of the people than others. You can be the judge of which ones are and which ones aren’t simply by looking at the overall infection rates.

5. Teachers really are under appreciated, as is the value of public education. Now, kids actually want to go to school, mostly to be with their friends. Online learning can work, but it’s not for everyone.

6. What makes us feel fulfilled may be very different than what we were doing when the pandemic hit us. According to the Wall Street Journal, over a million new businesses have started since the pandemic first struck the U.S. in March, 2020. People faced with losing their jobs are making the decision to do what they are really passionate about. Many are still struggling, but claim to be much happier in the process.

7. Online dating apps are reporting an increase in subscriptions, and participants are reporting spending more time up front in the getting acquainted phase. Fewer people are inclined to rush into a meet-and-greets in person because of social distancing. This has had the effect of deepening the relationships before they ever meet in person.

8. Fear of others is often foremost in our thoughts, which tends to highlight where we make our judgements of other people’s behavior. If we were judgemental of a person’s race, color, religion, sexual orientation, etc., then we now add the fear that they could infect us. It is our opportunity to look at our own biases and prejudices and do something about it. That is, if we are serious about our own personal growth.

9. We learned the importance of washing our hands frequently. Mom was right again!

10. College rituals of talking head classrooms, partying, graduation, and concert attendance are all taking a hit. It makes one really consider the importance of education and what we want to get from it. Graduating seniors are facing complicated and reduced career opportunities in many fields.

11. The workers we often take for granted are generally underpaid and under appreciated: first responders, healthcare workers, supermarket shelf stackers and cashiers, farmers, delivery drivers, waste disposal workers, meat and produce processing workers, and ranchers. Now, the whole world is more aware of their value.

12. Pet rescues and adoptions have increased by the hundreds, if not thousands. People who have been self-isolating have chosen to add a four-footed companion and all are better for it.

13. Families are rediscovering the quality time they have been missing while previously caught up in a busy world. More families are enjoying preparing and eating meals together and playing in the great outdoors.

14. People living in Los Angeles and other highly polluted air locations have actually been able to see blue skies and breathe clean air for the first time in decades!

15. The emotion of fear is being transmuted to a more manageable feeling because living in constant fear is not sustainable. We begin to process fear differently and much faster the more we have to deal with it on a daily basis.

I’m sure there are more good things to come of this current crisis. Since we don’t seem to be able to get rid of the virus as quickly as we would like, we can at least try to find the silver linings where we can. Happy hunting!

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