You Are a Spirit Having a Human Experience

You Are a Spirit Having a Human Experience

If you have reached a point in your life where you feel you are ready to make some changes, either because you are confused about your relationships or career, don’t feel particularly fulfilled living the life you have created, or just find yourself bored and unmotivated for whatever reason, then maybe you are ready for some growth in your spiritual awareness. 

Photo by Design Ecologist on Unsplash

One can easily get uneasy or turned off by anything that speaks to our spiritual awareness because of the perspective shown to us by all of the religions in the world.  It can be very confusing.

French philosopher and Jesuit priest, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) wrote that, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.  We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”  In Psychology Today (July 6, 2015), Rev. Nancy Colier, LCSW, writes that “We are made of more than just the sum total of our thoughts, feelings and the life situation that we are living at the moment.  We have a sense of being larger or more infinite than just little me.”  This seems to sum up what other writers and spiritual teachers like Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and Marianne Williamson also support as a philosophy of human experience.  We are here for a reason and it is to focus on our relationship to whatever our concept and belief is of a higher power.

Let me clarify my own belief, which may help or may muddy the waters; you can decide for yourself.  I don’t consider myself religious, although I am very spiritually oriented. I have my own communication with God, which I have found works very well for me.  I was raised a Southern Baptist, but in searching for something that felt right for me, I migrated through a series of churches:  Assembly of God, Evangelical United Brethren, Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Unitarian, Unity, and various non-denominational organizations.  What I found out about myself was I enjoyed the music, and the message, but couldn’t take the personality-driven human drama that seems to accompany most organized religions.  That’s just my experience.  Yours may be different, but that’s the point anyway.  You have to find something that works for you.

The best method I have found for increasing one’s spiritual awareness is meditation, meditation, meditation.  There are so many different types from transcendental to mindfulness, many teachers for finding your Zen spot, and even more opinions about which ones are valid and which ones are not.  I’m not going to recommend any particular method because I have found that with most of my clients, you have to start with where a person is and grow them from there.  But, to help get a jump start on where to begin looking, I would suggest you try one or all of the following:


One of the most common complaints I hear about meditation is just getting started.  We all seem to have trouble, at first, at being able to relax and calm the monkey mind.  That is why starting with a guided meditation really helps because someone is leading you through the mechanical steps of relaxing your body and focusing your thoughts.  Giving yourself time to sit down and meditate is the best possible therapy you can experience whenever nothing seems to be going right or when everything is going well and you still want to see if it can be better! 

Enjoy the journey!

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